
About Him

“The Pull” is my second Reddit Collectible Avatar, but he is the first in a concept I hope to continue with my future RCA releases.

Fragile Thoughts (my previous release) was created with a secret Snoo shrine hidden inside him. My concept for future avatars is to have varying designs that can be combined to create elaborate shrines.

This Avatar is the beginning of that exploration.

Shrine concept aside, The Pull was designed to look good on his own and mash well with other artist’s designs (maybe in some unique/creative ways). 


He was intended to be released with the same supply/price as Fragile Thoughts (2140 / $9.99). Following Reddit’s changes (setting max supply to 500), I decided to set his supply to 109, a significant number to me and some of my early collectors.


Concept and Sketches

The idea behind this avatar was to create something that wrapped around the shrine. It seemed like the most straight forward implementation of the concept.

Some design choices shown here weren’t able to make it to the final design to fit Reddit’s specifications. This is something I will have to be conscious of going forward with the shrine concept. 

Originally, this avatar was going to have a hair trait that was created specifically for Fragile Thoughts. That trait allows artists to put images behind and in front of an avatar and I planned to use it to create a more dynamic wrap-effect. The final (shown above) isn’t too far off though. However, I did make the eyes trait so that it could be introduced into other shrine combinations down the road. 


The Initial Model

Translating the drawing into 3D was one of the exciting parts of this journey. It was like working on a puzzle, a handful of elements influencing placement, most importantly the Snoo template (of course), but also the shrine. Alterations to the model had to be massaged in to fit the conflicting elements. 

Wire Frame Shot


I went back and forth when it came to his material. The model needed most of the attention so material was left til the end (opposite of the Fragile Thoughts work-flow). 

While modeling, I imagined it as mossy vines. I think this took attention away from the model though which took priority, so it was scrapped for minimalistic materials, leading to the metallic look in the final.

Portfolio Post

Reddit Collectable Avatars
3D Modeling, Collaboration, Editions, Graphic Design, NFT
Blender, Photoshop

Worked With:

Collectible Avatars

Tap To Explore

Portfolio Post

Fragile Thoughts
3D Modeling, Animation, Collaboration, Design, Editions, Freelance/Contract, Graphic Design, Material Design, NFT
Blender, Photoshop
Cardano, Polygon

Worked With:

Collectible Avatars

Tap To Explore